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Handpainted T-shirts and Handcrafted Gifts
"...with a voice of singing declare ye, tell this, utter it even to the end of the earth; say ye, the Lord hath redeemed his servant Jacob" (Isaiah 48:20).
Support Israel! Wear your testimony of love for the Holy Land, spread the Word about Israel's restoration, and the redemption and return of God’s people to the Land!
Each T-shirt is a handpainted, one-of-a-kind, signed artwork. There may be slight variations in design and color. All designs are available on white, chambray blue, or black short-sleeve T-shirts of moderate weight 50% cotton/50% polyester, sizes S - XXL. Machine washing in warm/cold water on gentle cycle and tumbling dry warm will prevent shrinkage or damage to the design. Also remove from dryer and hang quickly to prevent shirts from feeling "sticky". This will be only until the shirts cool. They are very durable. I have worn mine for years without any fading, peeling or shrinkage.
*Order custom designs for your congregation or organization. Many designs are also available on satin banners (see "Satin Banners" link below).
Stunning, handpainted dove over the flag of Israel carrying an olive branch of peace, outlined in glittering silver or satiny gold (shown below on white shirt). Ezekiel 39:29 handpainted beneath design.
$22.50 + shipping.
Order Numbers: S01-S (for silver outlined dove) or S01-G (for gold outline) - specify shirt color

The proud Stripes of the 13 original American colonies with the Star of the original 12 tribes—United we stand! II Chronicles 7:14 handpainted beneath. $22.50 + shipping.
Order Number: S02 (Specify shirt color)

"Shalom" (peace) handpainted over an Israel blue star of David, outlined in gold. Isaiah 54:10 is handpainted beneath. $22.50 + shipping.
Order Number: S06 (Specify shirt color)

Handpainted sparkling gold candelabra with silver star of David and accents, and lighted candles; shown above on white shirt and below on black. Each menorah is individually designed, and no two are the same. Choose Isaiah 60:1 (Order Number:S04-I6) shown above on white shirt, or Isaiah 42:16 (Order Number:S04-I4) shown below on black shirt. $22.50 + shipping. (Specify shirt color)

Quaint and colorful handpainted scene of Jerusalem with golden steps at the gate. Choose Isaiah 62:12 (Order Number: S03-I) or Jeremiah 3:17 (Order Number: S03-J) shown above on white shirt. $22.50 + shipping. (Specify shirt color)

Handpainted star of David with American stars and stripes shining through. Jeremiah 23:8 handpainted beneath the star, and the last line of the verse is handpainted on the reverse side with “Support Israel” (See reverse below).
Order Number: S05. $22.50 + shipping. (Specify shirt color)

Handcrafted Wall Plaques and Frames
LOVELY AND UNIQUE GIFTS! These handcrafted framed plaques may be ordered with your choice of either a Jerusalem blessing or the Testament of Joseph to the twelve tribes of Israel (text of each shown below). Each is matted with beautiful handmade, handpainted papers and framed in an elegant coordinated frame.

Closeup of matte and frame detail:

Your choice of text, pictured above matted in shades of aqua, cream, copper and gold, and framed in a beautiful verdi gris (antique gold) frame, 8 x 10 in. To order text choose from "A" or "B" text below.
Order Number: A01 $30.00 + shipping. Specify "A" or "B" for text.
A. Jerusalem Blessing (Birkat Yerushalayim)
Be merciful, L-rd our G-d, to Your people, Yisrael,
to Your city Jerusalem, and to Zion, the dwelling place
of Your glory, to the royal House of David, Thine anointed, and
to the great and holy Temple that is called by Thy name. Our
G-d, our Father, tend us, feed us, sustain us, maintain us, and
comfort us. Grant us speedy relief, L-rd our G-d, from all our
troubles. And please, L-rd our G-d, let us not need other people's
gifts or loans, but only Your filled and open hand, holy and bounti-
ful. So that we may never be shamed or humiliated. Rebuild Jerusalem,
the holy city, soon in our days. Blessed art Thou, L-rd, who in Your
mercy rebuilds Jerusalem. Amen.
B. Testament of Joseph
And hear ye, my children, also the vision which I saw:
There were twelve harts feeding: and the nine were first dispersed
over all the earth, and likewise also the three.
And I saw that from Judah was born a virgin wearing a linen
garment, and from her was born a lamb, without spot; and on his left
hand there was as it were a lion; and all the beasts rushed against him,
and the lamb overcame them, and destroyed them and trod them under
And because of him the angels and men rejoiced, and all the land.
And these things shall come to pass in their season, in the last
Do yet therefore, my children, observe the commandments of the
Lord, and honour Levi and Judah; for from them shall arise unto you the
Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world, one who saveth all
the Gentiles and Israel.
For His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, which shall not pass away;
but my kingdom among you shall come to an end as a watcher's
hammock, which after the summer disappeareth.
For I know that after my death the Egyptians will afflict you, but
God will avenge you, and will bring you into that which He promised to
your fathers.

Your choice of text, pictured above matted in shades of teal, burgundy and gold, and framed in an elegant gold frame, 8 x 10 in. To order text choose from "A" or "B" text above.
Order Number: A02. $30.00 + shipping.
See more beautiful frames
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